pp108 : Usage of Digital Certificates

Usage of Digital Certificates

This topic lists out the various aspects of Process Platform that use digital certificates.

The various aspects within Process Platform where digital certificates are used are as follows:




OpenText CARS

OpenText CARS utilizes a self-signed certificate to secure LDAP connection. This certificate is used only when OpenText CARS is being used in the SSL mode (ldaps://).

<OpenText CARS_INSTALL_DIR>/certificates/<MACHINE_NAME>-cert.cer, see also SSL Options on OpenText CARS.

Certificate based login for users

User certificates used for logging into a secured application.

User certificate store. For example: Active Directory.

Application Signer

Certificates used for signing applications to ensure the integrity of the application.

This certificate must be provided while signing. Refer to Application Signing for more information.

UDDI Connector

Certificates used for server authentication (SSL/TLS).

Trust anchors are stored in Certificate store in the Security Administration task.
Backwards compatibility: Trust anchors can be stored in Java keystore provided with uddi.keystore property.

UDDI Connector

Certificates used for client authentication (SSL/TLS).

See Using SSL in Platform connectors for more information.

HTTP Connector Certificates used for server authentication (SSL/TLS). Trust anchors are stored in the  Certificate store in Security Administration task.
HTTP Connector Certificates used for client authentication (SSL/TLS). See Using SSL in Platform connectors.

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

Certificates used for signing SOAP messages. These SOAP messages are exchanged between service groups to ensure secure transfer.

A Java keystore, see Enabling SSL Communication for more information.

Trusted publisher certificate

Certificate issued guarantee application integrity. This certificate is used for signing the application packages released by the software vendors such as OpenText.

Code Signing Certificate store in Security Administration task.

Process Platform Monitor Certificate

Every installation has a self-signed certificate called monitor certificate and this certificate is unique for every installation.The monitor certificate behaves like a Certification Authority (CA) in Process Platform and issues certificates to service groups.

<Process_Platform_install_dir>\certificates\keystore\<MACHINE_NAME>_monitor.p12, also contained in <Process_Platform_install_dir>\certificates\truststore\CordysDefaultTrustStore.p12


The Process Platform Monitor issues a certificate to the SSO service group. This certificate is used for signing SAML assertions issued by Process Platform.

Single Sign-on service group configuration in LDAP.